Shahrin Zen Muhd-Yassin (MSc – Graduated)

Project Title: Erbium-Ytterbium doped fiber amplifier: Optimizations and Enhancements (MSc.)
Publications/ Presented Paper(s):
Dimyati, K., Harun, S.W., Muhd-Yassin, S.Z., Abd-Rahman, M.K., Ahmad, H., “Compact and efficient Er-Yb-doped fiber amplifier”, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials , Volume 17, Issue 2, June 2008, Pages 193-198 (Impact factor 0.549)
S.Z. Muhd-Yassin, S.W. Harun, H.A. Ahmad, and M.K. Abd-Rahman, “Dual Stage Partial Double Pass Er3+/Yb3+ Doped Fiber Amplifier Demonstrates Significant Gain Enhancement With Improved Noise Figure” ASM Sci. J., 2(2), page 163-168, 2008.
S. W. Harun, H. A. Abdul-Rashid, S. Z. Muhd-Yassin, M. K. Abd-Rahman, K. K. Jayapalan and H. Ahmad, “37.2 dB small signal gain from Er/Yb Co-doped fiber amplifier with 20 mW pump power”, Optics and Laser Technol., Vol.40, Issue 1, pg.88-91, 2008 (Impact factor 0.981)
S.W. Harun, M.R. Tamjis, S.Z. Muhd-Yassin, M.K. Abd-Rahman and Harith Ahmad, “An Erbium/Ytterbium Co-doped Fibre Amplifier Using 1058 nm Pumping”, ASM Science Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, page 129 – 133, Dec 2007
S.Z. Muhd-Yassin, S.W.Harun, H.A.Abdul-Rashid, M.K. Abd-Rahman, F. Abd Rahman and H. Ahmad, “An efficient EYDFA with a 54 dB small signal gain “, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 49, No.10, pg 2337-2339, 2007. (Impact factor 0.320)
S. Zen Muhd-Yassin, S. W. Harun, H. Ahmad and M. Kamil Abd-Rahman, “Highly Saturated EDFA for Gain Clamping Operation”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol.49, No.8, pg. 1815-1816, 2007 (Impact factor 0.320)
S. W. Harun, H. A. Abdul-Rashid, F. Abd Rahman, S. Z. Muhd-Yassin, M. K. Abd-Rahman and H. Ahmad, “The effect of spurious reflections on the performance of Er-Yb doped fiber amplifier”, Multimedia Cyberscape Journal, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 51-53, 2007.
S. W. Harun, S.D. Emami, F. Abd Rahman, S.Z. Muhd-Yassin, M.K. Abd-Rahmanand H. Ahmad, “Multiwavelength Brillouin/Erbium-Ytterbium Fiber Laser”, Laser Phys. Letter, Pub. Wiley Interscience, Vol.4, Issue 8, pg. 601-603, 2007. (Impact factor 3.779)
S.W.Harun, H.A.Abdul-Rashid, S.Z. Muhd-Yassin, M.K. Abd-Rahman, M.R. Tamjis and H. Ahmad, “Dual-stage Er/Yb Doped Fiber Amplifier For Gain And Noise Figure Enhancements”, IEICE Electronics Express, Vol. 3, No.23, pg 517 – 521, Dec 10, 2006 (Impact factor 0.44)
S. Z. Muhd-Yassin and M. K. Abd-Rahman, “Efficient Er3+-Yb3+ Fiber Laser by 1062 nm Laser Diode Excitation”, Young Researchers Conference on Applied Sciences (CAS2006), 13 – 14 June 2006, The Suajana Kuala Lumpur, Subang
S. Z. Muhd-Yassin and M. K. Abd-Rahman, “Efficient Er3+-Yb3+ Fiber Laser by 1062 nm Laser Diode Excitation”, Findings of The Young Researchers on Applied Science 2006, Vol. 1, pp. 101 – 104, 2006
Shahrin Zen and M. Kamil Abd-Rahman, “Ytterbium Sensitized Erbium Doped Fiber Laser”, 1st National Colloquium on Photonics 2005, 29 – 30 Nov 2005, Bangi,