Nor Syafiqah Mohamed Kassim (PhD)

Project Title: Tunable Polymer Optical Fiber Coupler
Nor Syafiqah Mohamed Kassim received her BSc (Hons) degree and MSc. Degree from Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia in 2008 and 2012, respectively. She has several publications in several international and local conferences, all in the field of photonics. Her research interest is on design and simulation of photonics component and devices using highly multimode waveguide
Publications/Presented Papers:
• Mohd Kamil Abd-Rahman, N.Syafiqah Mohamed Kassim, Abang Annuar Ehsan and Mohd Hanapiah M.Yusoff, “Multimode Asymmetrical Optical Power Splitter Uitlizing Hollow Strcutured-waveguide” PIERS Proceedings ISSN 1559-9450, 1483-1486, March 20-23, Marrakech, MOROCCO 2011
• N. Syafiqah Mohamed-Kassim, A. A. Ehsan, Mohd Hanapiah M. Yusoff and M. Kamil Abd-Rahman, “Fabrication and Simulation of Multimode Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Y-Junction Optical Power Splitters”, Proceedings of IEEE (Impact factor 1.494) International Conference on Photonics 2010 (ICP2010) – 5 – 7 July 2010, Langkawi
• N. Syafiqah Mohamed-Kassim, A. A. Ehsan, Mohd Hanapiah M. Yusuf, M. Kamil Abd-Rahman, “Design, Simulation and Fabrication of Cascaded 1×4 Multimode Symmetrical Optical Power Splitter”, International Conference on Functional Material and Devices (ICFMD2010) (Functional Materials Letters, Impact factor 2.561) – 14 – 17 Jun 2010, Kuala Terengganu.
• N. Syafiqah Mohamed-Kassim, A. A. Ehsan, Mohd Hanapiah M. Yusoff And M. Kamil Abd-Rahman, “A New Design Of A Y-Junction Coupler Based On a highly Multimode Polymer Waveguide”, National Physics Conference PERFIK2009, 7 – 9 Dec 2009, Malacca. Published in American Institute of Physics AIP Conference Proceedings
• N. Syafiqah Mohamad-Kassim, M. Hanapiah Mohd-Yusoff and M. Kamil Abd-Rahman, “Design of Asymmetric Multimode 1 x N Optical Planar-Waveguide Couplers”, Conference on Scientific and Social Research CSSR2009, 14 – 15 March 2009, Port Dickson
• N. Syafiqah Mohamed-Kassim, M. Hanapiah Mohd-Yusoff and M. Kamil Abd-Rahman, “Design and Modeling of Asymmetric Multimode 1 x N Optical Planar Waveguide Couplers”, 1st Topical Meeting on Lasers and Optoelectronics, 7 – 11 Feb 2009, Langkawi.